Sunday, September 26, 2010

Homemade Salsa

So, last night Dave and I decided to have a cooking adventure.  Truth is, we've been watching a little too much TV lately and were ready for a break.  And, when you have a daughter that goes to bed at 6 pm, you can pretty much count on having to find something fun to do at home.  So don't ask me how salsa and peach pie ended up on the menu, they just did.  I'm a little embarrassed to admit that Dave and I ate the whole bowl last night.  And a little proud.

A big thank you to Rachelle Kimball and Grandma Kimball for this recipe:

6 large tomatoes, diced
1 onion, diced
10 sprigs cilantro
2 inches jalapeno pepper (seeds or no seeds, depending on how hot you like it)
Salt and pepper to taste

The wonderful thing about this recipe is that you can completely tweak (isn't that a great word??) it to your liking.  Don't like a lot of onion?  Don't put as much in!  Love cilantro?  Double the amount you add!  Etc.  I like it chunky, so I chop everything small, and don't blend it, but you can blend it for 3-5 seconds if you prefer a smoother texture.  Enjoy!

To make your chips and salsa experience even better, heat the chips on a cookie sheet in the oven for 5 minutes and serve warm!


  1. The peach pie and salsa recipes sound delicious. Now, how about getting the recipe from Dave's grandma for the delicious white bean soup served at your baby shower. I'd love to have that recipe. The soup was so delicious.

  2. Thanks for reminding me! I will definitely work on getting it, and will post it as soon as I do!


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